ReFind Originals Bags from Recycled Leather | Reclaimed Clothes Make Green Handbags

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ReFind Originals

ReFind OriginalsEco fashion is one area where few people agree. Some folks believe that nothing using leather can ever be green, while others say that anything recycled can’t be all bad. If you fall into the latter camp, you may be interested in the handbags from ReFind Originals.

Designer Anita Hopper sources her leather from old jackets, backpacks, and other discarded leather goods. She gives these materials a new life, while minimizing her carbon footprint.

The commitment to recycling extends to the decorations. Expect to see these bags embellished with recycled pieces of wood, vintage buttons, or other accents with a rich history.

I love the way that ReFind Originals takes items that are old and makes them fresh and contemporary. The accessories don’t push the fashion envelope, but they’re lovely examples of what designers can do with reclaimed materials.

ReFind Originals handbags are available at selected American boutiques and online from the brand’s Etsy store.

[Source: Feel Good Style]
