Affordable handbag brand Prezzo has gone all out to try and create a handbag that channels a vintage vibe for less than $50.
I can see what Prezzo has tried to do with this multicolor shoulder bag. The label attempts to use retro snakeskin patterns, vintage style tapestry panels, and lines of detailed beading to pull together a huge selection of styles from different eras. However, it hasn’t really achieved its aim. The multiple fabrics and panels clash not only in terms of color, but in contrasting pattern. Add to that a mish mash of seemingly coordinated beading and you have a bag so jam-packed with aggressive acid shades that it can actually make you wince. Finally, the cherry on top is the green and brown flower; cute on its own, sure, but awful in combination with everything else!
OK, so I may be being harsh. After all, this never denies its eccentricities, and I do know of a few people who revel in pattern mixing and clashing colors. If you can pull it off, then kudos to you. If this is you, of course, then you will get to experience the rather useful size, long shoulder strap and other attractive features, and if you can over look the appearance it is quite lovable.
Bright, absurd and thankfully cheap, I am not convinced by Prezzo’s vintage offerings.
More Features of this Prezzo Vintage Purse
- Optional long shoulder strap
- Synthetic and fabric exterior
- Animal print and beaded exterior
- Spacious interior