It looks like the New York socialities behind fledgling fashion label Leah & Bliss have taken a Bedazzler to a Hermes Birkin bag to create their new Glamazon purse. But the designers insist that the accessory is no mere imitator.
Instead they claim that the bag is not intended to be a replica Birkin, explaining that their glitzy purse is merely inspired by the iconic Hermes handbag. It comes encrusted with colored stones, which are intended to help the Glamazon serve as a work of art rather than a mere accessory.
I’m not sure Hermes, or many discerning fashion fans will forgive them the similarities though. No matter whether you endorse such reinterpretations or not, Leah & Bliss’ attention to detail is to be commended. The designers only use Italian leather, and sew and embellish each Glamazon by hand.
That makes the prices, which start from $295 for the smallest Glamazon, seem pretty reasonable. Even the largest model costs just $495, a mere fraction of the cost of the authentic Hermes handbags. And for a minimum price of $1000, Leah & Bliss will create a customized handbag just for you. That’s no small change, even if it is well shy of a real Birkin bag.
[Source: The Glamazon Diaries]
[Image Source: Leah & Bliss Facebook]