I can’t really hide my love of Lauren Merkin handbags. This designer, in my opinion, consistently hits the target when it comes to offering women timeless styles with classy and sometimes unexpected features.
Lauren Merkin’s most recently released collection of purses for the fall perfectly exhibits that statement. There are some familiar faces, new designs, but overall lots and lots of fun textures and prints. All you have to do is look at the above image to see a collage of the new colors and materials.
I know that many shoppers are looking for the next big thing when it comes to handbag shopping, but this designer stuck with some of her best styles with this new group. As with Be&D’s most recent collection, Lauren Merkin brought back some favorites like the Tatum, Louise, and Eve. Each familiar style has been revamped with details like embossed ostrich texture, feather-patterned silk, and corduroy suede.
I’m also really loving the Paige duffle bag with its traditional but delicate look as well as the curvy Cecilia with a braided strap. Go to Lauren Merkin’s website to see all of the new and improved handbags.