Beth Springer challenges the notion that leather handbags can’t be green with her signature handbag collection.
The Californian based designer believes in zero waste, so she uses recycled leather and suede to create all her handbags. By using reclaimed leather, Springer reduces her carbon footprint, but it’s not purely a green measure. The age has brought a delicious natural patina to the leather and a sumptuous buttery softness that only comes with wear. The animal skins are naturally colored with vegetable dyes and then lined with organic hemp-cotton fabric.
By using reclaimed materials, Springer ensures that every bag from her collection is a true original. She puts her stamp on traditional shapes like satchels, tote bags, and clutch purses. Her handmade designs are generally contemporary and clean, without the frills and over embellishments that plague so many modern designs. Yet she’s not above indulging in some girly froth, as her tutu inspired Tulle Clutch shows! However the utilitarian Soft-T bag pictured is much more indicative of Beth Springer’s style.
Eco-conscious lads aren’t forgotten either; Beth Springer also has a small menswear collection featuring a messenger bag and a range of colored wallets.
Beth Springer’s bags are available from selected boutiques across North America and her website.