Mulberry for Target handbags have landed at Target department stores across America, and they’re flying off the shelves almost as quickly as they arrived.
This is a really impressive capsule collection, which manages to deliver exactly what we love about the British brand. Of course, there isn’t quite the same level of luxury, but the fabrics don’t feel like cheap imitations either. They range from classic blue denim and black velvet to more flamboyant patent pink leopard synthetic.
If you’ve always coveted Mulberry handbags but couldn’t afford them, this limited edition range from Target is well worth exploring. There’s everything from elegant satchels to cross-body bags and totes, and the most they cost is $49.99. In fact, some are even as cheap as $14.99!
I wouldn’t wait very long to snap one up though. The bags are intended to be available through to December 24, but the way they’re currently selling I doubt they’ll be around that long!