Woman Commits Fraud for Louis Vuitton Handbag | Stylish Identity Thief Caught

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Louis Vuitton Bags

Louis Vuitton BagsJust how far would you go to own a designer handbag? Well unless you’ve got a few screws loose, it’s probably not as far as Anaheim resident Judy Nguyen. The 28-year-old from Southern California was arrested last week for fraud that she hoped would secure her a Louis Vuitton purse.

Nguyen allegedly stole her victim’s credit card details to order the designer purse. She then intended to intercept the package once it arrived at the victim’s home.

It sounds like a clever operation, but the plan didn’t account for the victim diligently checking of her credit card statement. She noticed the $2,700 Louis Vuitton handbag’s purchase and contacted the authorities straight away. Detectives lay in wait for Nguyen outside her victim’s home, and arrested her once she took delivery of the bag.

It seems this isn’t the first time Nguyen has conducted the scam. When authorities searched her home they fund more than $6,000 worth of luxury designer handbags and shoes. They suspect Nguyen may have intended to sell the goods online, but I wonder whether she’s simply got an eye for fashion. I certainly don’t condone her methods, but I can’t blame her for wanting to own some high-end designer accessories!

[Source: Huffington Post]
[Image Source: Deror Avi/Wikipedia Commons]
