Unusual Handbag Contents Revealed | British Survey Spills Bag Secrets

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Yellow Handbag

Yellow HandbagA British survey conducted on behalf of online accessories store AnjliLondon.com has revealed the weird and wonderful items that the UK’s women stash in their handbags.

Around 80% of women carried common essentials like cosmetics, cell phones, wallets, keys, hand mirrors, painkillers, tissues, hair brushes, and umbrellas. Spare underwear was also common, with around a quarter of women admitting they carried an extra pair of briefs.

Things get a little more interesting when we look at the less common items though. Around 7% of women have Christmas cracker toys and stuffed animals, while roughly 2% of ladies carry small sex toys and leftover food. One honest survey subject said she even found rotten fish in her bag!

That might sound farfetched to you and me, but AnjliLondon.com’s spokesperson says she’s not shocked by the survey’s results.

In fact, I suspect there’s a lot of women out there who could top what’s on our ‘weirdest’ list,” she said. “A woman’s handbag is a bit like a tardis, it’s so easy to keep throwing things in without even thinking about what you’re doing. It’s only when you lose something and tip out your bag that you realize how much rubbish you’re carrying around.

But perhaps we can’t blame the ladies for their bizarre handbag contents. After all, 68% of women admitted that they never empty their purses, so they could have anything inside there!

[Source: Daily Mail]
