Nothing compares to that heady rush of purchasing a designer handbag, but fashion forecasters say its appeal is set to fade.
“Owning stuff is out,” the trend analysts predict. Instead we’ll swap fashion items with our friends, lease them, or scour vintage stores. As we exchange books at a traditional community libraries now, the forecasters predict that by 2025 we’ll see the advent of “clothing libraries.”
“Luxury [will mean] stuff that is good for people and the planet,” Fashion Futures explained.
That also means we’ll see more sustainable and eco-friendly fashions, and increased demand for businesses to disclose their environmental practices. We’ll shop less, but spend money on locally produced, high quality items when we do shop.
Early examples of these trends are already seen in the rise of clothes swapping parties amongst gal pals and fashion rental services including Rent Me a Handbag and Avelle, formerly known as Bag, Borrow or Steal.
[Source: The Independent]
[Image Source: Ruxandra Moldoveanu/Stock.xchng]