Re-Collect Recycles Tires and Bike Treads for Eco-Friendly Urban Handbags

32 sec read

British brand Re-Collect is proud of its commitment to recycling; so proud that its edgy eco-friendly handbags proudly sport the markings that point to their original materials.

It’s easy to spot that these funky urban accessories are made from inner tires, bike treads, seatbelts, and other unwanted auto and bicycle parts. Tell-tale marques and markings point to the history of the original materials and add to the unique personalities of the green range. Signature accents including grommets, studs, and whipstiched details give re-Collect bags their modern, streetwise appeal.

There’s a re-Collect bag for everyone, from large messengers and shoulder bags to tiny pouches and purses. Every bag is hand-stitched to guarantee their quality and ensure each is a true original. The label also uses the same recycled fabrics to create keychains, belts, and jewelry.

Re-Collect bags are sold at Red Mutha in the United Kingdom and online at re-Collect’s website.

[Image Source: re-Collect]
