When you think luxury handbags, Chanel is bound to be one of the brands that pops into mind. The fashion label is synonymous with timeless, must-have purses.
Although there are a few signature chain link straps to be seen here, a few of the detail might surprise Chanel lovers. Overall, though, the theme of cooler weather and winter fashion is fairly obvious with the styles from the colors to the choice of fabrics.
The most overtly fall fashion fabric in the bunch is tweed, and there seems to be a bit of it with this collection. The heavy material might be seasonally appropriate, but I’m not sure that the addition of a leather strap was the best choice. If I didn’t expect gold chain link from the brand, the leather detail probably wouldn’t be an issue. However, it just doesn’t shine as much as I’d like.
Of course, it’s not luxury designer fashion without some exotic materials. The fall/winter 09 bag collection also includes metallic lizard, quilted python, and pastel galuchat handbags. I’m impressed but not overwhelmed by the designs. However, Chanel is Chanel, after all, and nearly impossible to go wrong with.