Prada has released an oriental inspired limited edition handbag collection to celebrate the opening of Shanghai World Expo.
But should Miuccia Prada have bothered? Honestly, these bags featuring the Shanghai skyline and a springtime scene seem more than a little uninspired. Apparently the designer was motivated to create a range reflecting “21st century urban life,” but I don’t think she’s succeeded. The butterfly and flower patterned purse is very old-fashioned, and the cityscape tote reminds me of something a tourist would buy at a gift shop.
I suppose there’s an element of collectability about this bags as they were made to commemorate the World Expo, but I can’t imagine wanting to carry these totes for very long. I’d be reluctant to tote them if I were given them for free, but I’d never spend the hundreds of dollars Prada is asking. The label’s fans may fall for the limited edition nature of the totes, but I’m decidedly unimpressed.