Obsessed Pop Music Fan Carries Nunchakus in Man Bag

34 sec read

When airlines insist you need to check in all weapons, they’re not just talking about knives and other garden-variety nasties. Nunchakus are also frowned upon, as one Chinese man found out recently.

He was carrying a pair of the traditional kung-fu weapons in his handbag, but was forced to check them in before boarding a flight from the Guangzhou Baiyun international airport in Guangdong’s capital.

It’s a strange thing to stash in your man bag, but the passenger had a completely reasonable explanation. He’s simply a big fan of Taiwanese pop star Jay Chou. He bought the nunchakus in an effort to get his kung-fu skills up the standard of his idol.

As the weapons were confiscated, I guess he’ll never get to find out whether he could have become the next kung-fu master. But something tells me they’re not the kind of items a rank amateur should play with anyway!

[Source: China Daily]
[Image Source: Tungk49d/Flickr]
