We all know handbag hangers are an ideal way to keep away bacterial nasties and prevent leather scuffs. But this month, they’re also a great way to help fund breast cancer research.
To coincide with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Topcor has released a special pink version of its popular Clipa handbag hanger. Known as Clipa for a Cure, 10% of the retail price will benefit breast cancer research.
The Clipa purse hook has a hidden automatic closure system, which clips to single and dual shoulder straps. You just place it on the edge of a table and hang your bag from the other end. Each hook can hold up to 45 pounds, so it doesn’t matter how much you carry with you! When it’s not holding up your handbag, the Clipa can also double as a bracelet. Not a particularly stylish one, mind you, but a bracelet nonetheless!
Breast cancer is one of the leading cause of cancer death in women. Scarier still, a whopping 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. The next victim could be your mother, sister, best friend, or yourself.
The Clipa for a Cure costs $24.95. Buy yours online from October 5.