Transparent handbags tend to divide opinion in the fashion world. Some folks love to see their items at a glance, and prefer the easy-clean, hard wearing finish of transparent PVC. Others would rather keep a little mystery by stashing their items away from prying eyes. If you can’t get enough of these distinctive purses though, it’s worth paying Clear Handbags and More a visit.
This unique shopping site knows what it likes, and that’s transparent handbags. I’m not quite sure where the “And More” part comes in though, as the website doesn’t stray from its main product range. It brings together clear handbags of all different shapes and sizes, so if that’s what you’re looking for the website is worth visiting.
The site organization leaves a lot to be desired though; categories like “Clear Handbags” and “More Clear Bags” are too vague to be really useful. At least at this point there aren’t a lot of handbags to wade through, although that can also be a negative as well. There’s also an obvious lack of designer bags; that makes the prices very reasonable but may disappoint name brand lovers.
The website does lure us in though with a 10% discount for all new customers. That significant saving makes these already affordable clear bags quite an attractive proposition.