Luxist Defines What a Woman’s Handbag Choice Says about Her

42 sec read

It’s not the first time someone has attempted to define women by the type of handbag they carry, and I’d be willing to bet it’s nowhere close to being the last. However, this new version of “What Your Handbag Says about You” from is a little more about personality than fashion taste.

From shoulder bags to oversized totes, this mini-guide to bag preferences and their implications isn’t entirely flattering in some categories. For example, women who choose designer labels “enjoy the finer things in life (and want others to know it).” Yikes. What about the women who can simply afford the best quality? Also according to Luxist, those who carry knock-offs just might not be entirely true to themselves all the time.

That might be a bit of a stretch, but I can at least agree on some of the other categories such as shoulder bags possibly implying that someone has a practical nature or that an everyday clutch carrier might be the carefree, jet-setter type.

Click here for the full list of handbags and what Luxist thinks they say about women. Whether you agree or not, it’s still a fun read.

[Image: EssG/Flickr
