If you’ve contemplated a new Louis Vuitton handbag of late, the time is right to commit. Style insiders report the acclaimed fashion house will raise its prices across the board on April 16.
Admittedly this price increase isn’t as hefty as many we’ve seen in the fashion industry. Hermes upped its prices by nine per cent earlier in the year and Chanel raised its by a whopping 20 per cent in 2011. That makes Louis Vuitton’s forecasted increases of between three and five per cent on all its apparel and accessories seem pretty modest.
And let’s remember that Louis Vuitton prices have been pretty stable over the last year, so perhaps some fluctuations are overdue. Nothing ever stays the same, and high end designers tend to hike their prices more rapidly than most firms. At least this increase isn’t as dramatic as it might have been!
No matter how big the bump, if you’ve got your eye on a handbag costing several thousands of dollars any increase will make some impact. And if all things are equal, you might as well indulge now and save yourself a few extra dollars!
Will you rush out to secure a new Louis Vuitton handbag before the prices rise, or is the increase so small that it won’t worry you?