is offering massive savings on its range of Lancaster signature print and leather handbags. For the next four days you can save up to a whopping 89% on the Italian brand’s purses.
This isn’t one of those sales which offer a handful of big discounts beside some meager savings. The smallest discount is still a massive 75%, which is much more than you’ll find at your average department store!
Of course, you’ll need to warm to Lancaster’s designs first. I find the lilac signature print with its cheery fuchsia flowers a fresh change from the drab brown and tans ones we typically see, but I know it won’t endear itself to everybody. If you find this fabric too fussy and feminine for your tastes, look to the brand’s Italian leather goods. In vibrant hues like yellow, green, and blue they also won’t appeal to everybody, but if you’re looking for something to spice up your wardrobe you might be impressed.
While you’re browsing these Lancaster bags, remember that when you refer your friends to you can earn some extra shopping credit for yourself. All that extra dough should come in handy next time the innovative shopping website is discounting designer purses!