Kate Spade gets all glitzy with this sequined El Morocco clutch.
My first thought when I saw this glamorous handbag was just how different this is from the rest of the handbags Kate Spade designs. She usually opts for classic styling and retro design, with strong influence from the 50s and 60s. This purse, however, is more like a modern evening bag or an 80s sequined creation, instantly setting this clutch in a new arena.
As a bag by itself, I like this. The layered black sequins create that popular mottled reflection, and the actual shape (with a divided interior) is uber-practical. However, as a Kate Spade purse I am somewhat disappointed. Where is that tongue-in-cheek trend following? What has happened to the smooth leather lines? For a designer purse costing $495 you really want a distinctive identifiable look, not a similar design to many other sequined purses on the market.
Whilst the detachable handle and spacious interior try hard to convince me of the Paolo clutch’s merits, I have to admit that this lacks the refinement I so love in the Kate Spade brand.
More Features of this Kate Spade El Morocco Paolo Purse
- Removable chain handle
- Divided compartmentalized interior
- Sophisticated cream lining
- Sequined exterior