We aren’t used to seeing simple bags from Juicy Couture; we are much more used to seeing velour creations, or hot pink Barbie bags.
However, elegant is exactly what the Juicy Items tote is. Sure, it still has that famous logo all over it, but you would expect that from a brand whose main custom is in selling items with its coat of arms emblazoned across it. You would expect nothing less. However, the soft and generally yucky velour is gone, and so are the bright colors. Instead, you could use this on a day to day basis, without attracting too much attention.
In my opinion, a bold but classy logo and black canvas body are a better way to show off your branded belongings than things that go over-the-top. However, die hard Juicy fans may find this hard to stomach, as it does depart from brand’s the normal over-decorated style.
Perhaps this tote will pull in some new customers?
More Features of this Juicy Couture Shopping Tote
- Yellow and black signature lining
- Exterior slip pocket
- Canvas glitter logo
- Handy top zip closure