Most of us have a mountain of handbags in our closet. It’s always difficult to find our favorite bag, which is inevitably pulled from the pile misshapen and messed up. Californian-based designer Josh Jakus has solved the problem with his nifty Um carry bags.
When they’re not in use, these modern purses simply unzip and lie flat, easily storable until their next outing. Then when you’re ready to take them out, simply zip them together and enjoy their minimalist styling. I really love the unexpected contrast of the soft gray wool and the poppy orange zippers. The cut-out handles on the clutch are a bit small for easy carrying, but they add to the purses clean European looks.
Green fashionistas can also enjoy the Um carry bags with a clean conscience. They’re made from industrial wool left discarded by factories, which would otherwise have found its way into landfill. A place in your wardrobe is a much more desirable location!
You’ll have to work a little to keep these purses clean though. They’ll survive hand washing or a trip to the dry cleaners, but don’t even try to pop them into the washing machine or dryer!
Josh Jakus’ Um carry bags are available from the Fuz website.