In a world where handbags begin to look the same, the purses created by American designer James Piatt really stand out. This controversial artist makes accessories which are shaped like dead dogs, deserted infants, rifles, and more!
Piatt created his first handbag, the original PeaceKeeper, as a gift in 2004. It received such a rapturous reaction on the street that Piatt couldn’t help but create more. It’s changed a little since its first inception, but the PeaceKeeper continues to be Piatt’s signature creation. Two new handbag styles are added in limited quantities to the range each year.
Such unusual purses won’t speak to everyone, but they certainly can’t be ignored. And even if they’re not your cup of chai, it’s hard not to appreciate Piatt’s materials. He works with high quality leathers, including skins with exotic alligator and mirrored metallic finishes. Just like the designs Piatt creates, these materials are incredibly eye-catching.
Piatt’s designs are more like works of art than traditional handbags, so it’s little surprise that some come with big price tags. You’ll find the PeaceKeeper 400 purses for just $85, but one of the copper colored Foundlings will set you back $989. That might be a bit much for an accessory that seems like a novelty, but if your fashion sense is kooky enough you might just see value.