Guess is famous for mimicking the looks of designer bags for a fraction of the cost. But now its biggest competitor, Gucci, has had enough. The luxury label is suing for trademark infringement.
The case seems simple enough. Both brands utilize the “G” logo and signature prints with the interlocking letter. The only difference in many cases is whether you’re buying embossed leather or vinyl!
Guess reps may claim its purses are homages to the designer originals, but Gucci’s words are a lot harsher.
The brand’s lawyers say the knockoffs are “part of a sophisticated and elaborate scheme to target Gucci, to create products that are similar in appearance to the most popular and best-known Gucci products.”
Gucci is seeking damages and a court order banning Guess from using the designs in question. They’re also calling for the surrender of all bags in the firing line.
Copying has become commonplace in the fashion world, but few replicas are as high-profile as Guess’. The biggest questions are no doubt how similar the bags really are, and whether they’re damaging the Gucci brand. Whatever the outcome, this will be an interesting case to watch.