Urban fashion label Great China Wall is famous for creating edgy clothes with punk rock style. Now its branched out into accessories, releasing a handbag collection which is more classic than cutting-edge.
From the spacious shoppers and totes to smaller wallets and pouch clutches, Great China Wall has designed a bag to satisfy your every accessory need. The multi skull shopper will keep the emo kids happy, but the other bags show a more sophisticated side. The fabrics are luxurious, including goatskin, python, and crocodile. Forget purses that fall from the factory assembly line. Every Great China Wall handbag is 100% handmade, your guarantee of expert quality and craftsmanship.
Of course, the combination of exotic fabrics and handmade design doesn’t come cheaply. The pouch clutches start from $350, but you can expect to pay up to $4600 for the high-end handbags.
I’ve fallen for the unique color-combination and almost affordable price of this envelope-style snakeskin shoulder bag. It’ll set you back $1600.