Oversized handbags are the purse of choice for bagistas around the world. But a British Crime Survey says our favorite fashion accessory makes us a target for identity theft.
These handbags make it easy to carry everything and the kitchen sink. For many women, that includes passports, bank statements, pay slips, and other valuable documents for fraudsters.
With bag thefts on the rise, it’s disturbing to know more than three-quarters of women carry purses with their name, date of birth, or address inside. More than half of girls also admit they are unsure what information a thief would require to steal their identity.
It’s not just women at risk either. Metrosexual lads carrying their man bags are also guilty of carrying sensitive documents.
We’re not suggesting you leave your favorite Versace Darling satchel behind, but you may want to reconsider what you’re carrying inside it. By avoiding the urge to overstuff and leaving those important documents at home, you could easily avoid becoming a statistic.