Mini bags get a bit of a mixed reception in the handbag world. They often try to be too many things, and the risk is that the designer tries to cram everything from a normal sized purse into a mini version.
The Malis mini tote is partially guilty of these crimes. The traditional shape looks like a normal sized bag, and in addition to the gleaming white leather the label seems to have added silver studs and silver print.Thankfully the clean color palette manages to reduce the busyness of this, saving this Ed Hardy handbag from handbag overkill.
Once you get past the size of the handbag, you come to the shape. With that unusual curvy handbag you get your first inkling that this isn’t as predictable as it could be. Then it folds over, and your little clutch is neatly transformed into a shoulder bag with a long strap. This is a lot of versatility for a mini bag.
Surprisingly practical, this silver purse sometimes treads the fine line between nice and nasty, but I think it falls on the nice side!
More Features of this Ed Hardy Malis Tote
- Also available in purple
- Crackled synthetic leather exterior
- Multiple carrying options
- Tattoo inspired silver graphics