If you’re struggling to save the thousands you need to afford that must have designer handbag, why not get creative? Plenty of crafty fashion lovers are doing just that at The Counterfeit Crochet Project.
Instead of turning to the inferior fakes at the markets, these clever crocheters make “both homages and lumpy mutations” inspired by their favorite luxury purses. The genuine Guccis, Fendis, and Chanels cost thousands, but these adorable purses will only set you back the cost of some wool!
Stephanie Syjuco, the site’s creator hopes her movement can raise the profile and image of handicrafts.
“Crafting is overlooked, even denigrated as a viable ‘vernacular’ form of expression. I view the impetus to handmake something in an era of mass production a personal and perhaps even political act, a way to give yourself agency to create and produce in an age of standardization and retail.”
It might sound easy to copy the work of another designer, but Stephanie insists it’s a lot harder than it looks!
“Each person who crochets a designer bag is essentially making an ‘original’ bag – using their own expertise, decision-making, and tenacity, they are interpreting and creating a new, unique item,” she explained.