There’s another great sale on at shopping website For the next day and a bit, the innovative online store is selling Christian Audigier handbags at up to 64% less than their recommended retail value.
If you’re a fan of Ed Hardy, you’re probably familiar with the fashion brand’s designer Christian Audigier. The bags bearing his name are typically as brash as the Ed Hardy accessories, although the graphic elements tend to have more of a Japanese bent. Rather than spotting hearts and skulls you’ll find koi carps and geisha girls. If your tastes are tamer, or you’re simply looking to tone things down in the office, look to the Maestro briefcase and Noble vertical laptop bag.
And remember, you can earn extra shopping credit just by referring your friends to And you could also pocket some extra cash when they refer their friends! That should help ease the burden next time the site’s clearing out your favorite designer bags!