Botkier bags offer some real handbag luxury in every incarnation.
Its bags may not be obvious or dramatic, but instead the brand focuses on the things that really matter for a purse that you intend to use every day. This sexy, yet suitable, everyday hobo gives you attractive looks combined with luxury Italian cowhide and lambskin.
Of course, luxe materials are only good if the purse is actually pretty, and useful! Thankfully this gold and red purse manages to achieve both these aims. The looks may be a little traditional for some, but I think that the subtle art deco shape and slouch give it a great, yet refined, look. And what with all the space and multiple satchel compartments, this is by all means an extraordinarily practical hobo.
I may seem a little full of admiration for this bag, and that is true. It just seems to be rare that a bag lets maturity and class take the front seat over trends and drama!
More Features of this Botkier Margot Hobo
- Available in B&W, yellow, and red.
- Italian leather and lambskin interior
- Multiple interior pockets and compartments
- Contrasting light interior