Nothing say luxury quite like a quilted handbag!
Of course, nothing says luxury quite like a Bally handbag either, so the match of quilting and brand name is probably one made in heaven. Add rich luxurious satin into the mix and the Alexya has probably hit all of the nails on the head for posh and expensive!
However, do all of these components make a bag that is worth $595? It is certainly pretty and classic, but there are probably other bags on the market that look similar and cost less. What you are really paying for with this pochette, above and beyond the triple stitching and the multiple compartments, is the Bally name. The brand is powerful, famous, and very desirable, and the prices reflect that.
With a beautiful design and workmanship, this luxury clutch is definitely one for the handbag addicts out there.
More Features of this Bally Alexya Clutch
- Available in a range of other colors
- Luxury satin exterior
- Three interior compartments
- Long chain strap