Bag, Borrow or Steal is no more. The iconic luxury handbag hire website has been given a makeover, and the name was the first thing to go. Its new moniker, Avelle, was selected to make the site seem more luxurious and European.
With its fresh image, the site also plans some exciting expansions. Fashion lovers in China and Kuwait will soon be able to hire from the site’s extensive collection of designer purses. But that’s not all. also plans to increase its fashion focus into additional categories like watches and apparel. Shoes may also be on the horizon in the not-to-distant future!
Avelle does sound classier, but dropping four years of brand recognition sounds like a risky move to me. After the recent Sex & The City movie, Bag, Borrow or Steal was the name on everybody’s lips. Could the less descriptive, more generic Avelle really hope to have that kind of impact? I guess we’ll have to wait to find out!