We may be used to seeing larger bags from luxury handbag design house, Badgley Mischka. However, if the Nikki clutch is anything to go by the label is just as much of a force to be reckoned with in the evening bag domain.
OK, so what is so impressive about this bag? The design is, after all, extraordinarily simple, and if you like gems and diamonds for your $268 then you will be sorely disappointed. Stop looking at the lack of decoration, however, and start paying attention to the bag itself. To the brilliantly shiny and glossy patent leather, in the most delicious shade of merlot. To the smooth and art deco frame, in an equally sparkly gold. Then you will see why this purse is special!
However, no matter how wonderful the color and the materials, it is still undeniable that this couture purse is just a glorified pouch. And at the price that makes it pretty expensive. But… if you have the cash to spare then this luxe clutch will be a beautiful accessory – and the neat front opening may just sweeten the bargain.
More Features of this Badgley Mischka Nikki Evening Bag
- Also available in steel and mauve
- Single zipped interior pocket
- Patent leather exterior and trim
- Twill lining