We’ve all seen affordable handbag brands creating homages to luxury lines, so it’s refreshing to see the high-end designers getting in first. No mere designer imitation, Alexander Wang has created this affordable tote in the style of his popular Coco duffle.
The bag was created to celebrate Opening Ceremony’s new Ace Hotel boutique. It uses black canvas instead of luxury buffalo leather, but that studded base is unmistakeably Alexander Wang.
The totes are available in two versions; the silver studded one has three grooves while the gold studded bag has just one. Two labels inside bear the Opening Ceremony and Alexander Wang names. You can snag one for $125 from the Ace Hotel store or Opening Ceremony’s online store.
Anyone who can afford the Coco probably won’t look twice at this affordable bag, but for girls on a budget this is a great way to get Alexander Wang’s signature style for less.