Exotic handbags never come cheaply, but designer Andria Mitsakos makes this level of luxury more affordable with her accessories line, Dea Rosa.
While authentic exotic purses typically fetch a pretty five-figured sum, her purses are priced between $490 and $2000. That’s still no small change, but I’ve seen many designers charging these kinds of prices for embossed leather.
So how does she do it? Mitsakos says her secret is conservative cutting during the assembly of the purses. This allows her to use less skin and reduce the bottom line. It’s such a smart idea, I wonder why other designers have never thought of it!
The collection features handbags made from python, crocodile, and lizard skins. Each one is crafted in Italy and named after one of the country’s cities. I love the clean lines of the accessories, which are all the better for showcasing those exotic skins.
Look for the Dea Rosa bags at selected American boutiques next spring.
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