PETA Takes Anti-Snakeskin Stance, Urges Celebs to Go Faux

37 sec read

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has launched a new campaign reminding the stars that wearing genuine exotic skin fashions is just as unethical as wearing real fur.

Celebs including Jessica Simpson, Paris Hilton, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Victoria Beckham were all sent this video urging them to reject clothing and accessories made from snake, crocodile, and other exotic animals.

Did you know that mother snakes keep their eggs warm by wrapping their bodies around the eggs and then shivering to generate heat?” asked Joaquin Phoenix, who put his face to the campaign. “Exotic animals are mostly unknown to us, and so is what they suffer before being turned into belts and bags.

I must admit, before PETA took a stance I didn’t really think of the double standard. I’d never wear fur, but I’ve coveted authentic snakeskin accessories. Yet really no animal should give its life for fashion, should it? After all, with brands like Abas and Jessica Simpon’s own label creating lustworthy alternatives for less, faux snake is looking pretty appealing!
