Kathy Van Zeeland isn’t exactly known for producing understated handbags with subtle details, but this One Night Stand shopper bag definitely throws out any possible misconceptions of that out of the window.
There isn’t one single aspect of this purse that I can classify as simple or basic. Everything about it is bold and dramatic, which is exactly what I’ve come to expect from the label.
Let’s just start with the most obvious feature of the bold leopard print. Animal print material is hardly ever subtle, but this version is even louder due to the patent sheen on the synthetic leather. The pattern basically covers the body of the One Night Stand from top to bottom with only a few exceptions.
Once your eyes adjust to the crazy leopard print, you’ll start to notice the other details that stand out just as much. Patent bronze synthetic leather trims off the edges of the side layers and creates the slouchy handles. Vertical zippers on the front of the shopper are detailed with bright silver-toned, heart-shaped logo zipper pulls.
The Kathy Van Zeeland One Night Stand bag also comes in a n/s shopper version, but this wide shopper retails for $79.
More Features of the One Night Stand Shopper
- Measures 16 x 9.5 x 4.5 inches
- Double handles with 9.5 inch drop
- Sunken zipper closure