The SAK has produced bags like this before, but this particular shoulder bag is different because of the smooth leather against the woven contrasting shoulder strap.
This drawstring bag has a slightly hippie-like feel to it. This means it looks nice, but it also appears relaxed and casual; more of a bag for the weekends than for business office environments. This is probably why the label has chosen the slouchy round style, as it is visually interesting as well as comfortable for you, and forgiving for your belongings.
Drawstring bags don’t offer you as much security as a more traditional bag with a zip or clasp. However, you still get a functional magnetic closure in addition to the woven tie, which should protect you against pickpockets a little more. Add to this a handle of a reasonable length and flexible leather comfort and you have a purse that actually achieves functionality, although not if you want to carry folders!
This slouchy look is becoming a signature style for The SAK, and if you want to own one it will cost you a fair $139.
More Features of this The SAK Indio Purse
- Available in five other colors
- Contrasting patterned lining
- Leather exterior and trim
- Woven long handle and drawstring