Miu Miu’s handbags have been unpredictable for the past few seasons. By unpredictable, I mean that I can’t predict whether the label is going to come up with something revolutionary or ridiculous. This studded leather bag is neither revolutionary nor ridiculous, but it is solidly stylish.
It has sort of a tote bag shape, but the handles are short like on a satchel. Honestly, the handles aren’t particularly practical, as they sit so far down on the bag that you couldn’t really put them over your shoulder. There is a detachable shoulder strap, but it’s a little thin for a bag of this size, which leaves you carrying it by hand most of them time, not a great option if you carry a lot of stuff.
The rocker chic studded black leather exterior is cool and edgy. The use of multicolored studs gives it a slightly more uptown look, but the large o-rings on the front are definitely more downtown. Miu Miu makes this moto-inspired trend wearable without diluting it completely.
More Features Of The Miu Miu Studded Leather Bag
- 15″ x 12″ 8″ size
- 4″ strap drop
- Internal pouch pocket
- Fully lined in black satin