When you need a stylish bag but don’t want to pay designer prices, Maxx New York is a great brand to check out. The company has a knack for creating ready-to-wear purses that reference high fashion trends but with a cost that’s easy on the wallet.
The Leroy E/W Shoulder bag follows two major trends that came straight from the runway and have lately infiltrated purse brands everywhere: patent and croco. There’s nothing new to fashion about either; they’ve certainly been done before. However, the style has been revived with bags like the Leroy and can make an average outfit look a little classier.
This Maxx New York purse is not huge, but the size is nice for throwing on your shoulder and tucking in under your arm. It won’t fit more than purse essentials unlike many of the oversized handbags out there today, but it’ll work great for sprucing up an outfit and carrying what you need for a trip out.
I love the deep eggplant color that looks great when mixed with other jewel tones. Brushed gold hardware complements the tone of this Maxx New York bag. The inside is lined with a fun zebra print and has two zippered pockets. On the front, a slip pocket with magnetic closure is perfect for storing receipts or other small items. Another great feature is the purse’s ability to widen several inches with side zippers that expand the bag. The Leroy E/W is also available in cranberry and black and retails for $148.
More Features of the Leroy E/W Shoulder
- Measures 15.5 x 6.5 x 3 inches
- Double straps with 7.5 inch drop
- Patent croco
- Expandable zippered sides