LeSportsac is pretty much the epitome of function, at least for the handbag world. I don’t think they even produce bags that aren’t completely convenient and durable. If they do, I certainly haven’t come across them.
Hence, the Jen Cross Body bag fits perfectly into the typical functional, cute, and sturdy categories that make up the LeSportsac brand. When I first saw it, I was instantly reminded of the Madison 3 Zip. However, the Jen has a few extra features that set it apart from the rest.
For starters, the Jen handbag actually has three separate exterior pockets in addition to the main interior compartment, each with its own zippered entry. You also have practical choices for carrying it. Just grab the double handles on top if you want to carry it as a traditional tote bag. If you prefer the crossbody style, just fold the top down and attach the adjustable strap to the handle rings on the back of the bag. Voila! It’s now a messenger-style tote.
The Jen Cross Body comes in several popular nylon LeSportsac patterns, but my favorite is the “fontastic” with its light gray canvas trim. The print is a compilation of whimsical numbers, letters, and symbols you could expect when playing with different fonts and colors on a computer program. This quirky and cute handbag currently retails for $88.
More Features of the Jen Cross Body
- Measures 14.5 x 15 x 0.5 inches
- Double handles with 5.5 inch drop
- Adjustable, detachable crossbody strap
- Zipper closure