Kooba is not a name that’s as familiar to me as some fashion brands, but it’s certainly nothing new to the handbag world. This company has been creating enviable designer bags for over a decade.
Though I don’t think it’s been at the top of many shoppers’ lists for that long, the company has taken off in recent years with tons of celebrities followers and has been seen on young starlets such as Blake Lively and Kristen Bell. I can’t really say that this Natasha Tote design automatically makes me think young, hip, and trendy, but it does have a certain appeal similar to that of equally popular brand Treesje.
This coated canvas version of the Natasha has been around for a few seasons, but is still just as stylish now as it was before. The square handle rings and other hardware is modern and trendy but not overdone. I like how that style contrasts the traditional turnlock closures on the front flap and sides.
If you’re thinking that this shiny patent material is not for you, then you’re in luck this season. Kooba recently released a luxurious suede version of the Natasha with their Fall 09 collection. Though there are a few minor changes on the details, like less stitching around the handles and top border, the overall design is intact.
Whether in coated canvas or winter suede, the Kooba Natasha tote is a lovely choice for a fashionable yet classic designer handbag.
More Features of the Natasha Tote
- Available in coated canvas or suede
- Turnlock closure
- Expandable sides with turnlock feature