In these penny-pinching days, fashionistas are often reaching for synthetic purses in lieu of the latest designer “it” bag. I’ve got to say, faux leather is the way to go if you’re on a tight budget. Not only is it almost always cheaper than the real thing, but it can also pass as a decent imitation in some cases.
Now, I’m not sure many women would mistake this Jessica Simpson tote as a real snakeskin leather handbag, but I’m guessing that most of them would appreciate it regardless. Though the Boulevard line of bags also comes in solid colors like brown and purple, it’s this faux python version that I find myself drawn toward the most.
The patent sheen on the large tote really makes the snakeskin pop. Also, it almost makes the brown and cream synthetic material look like it has a hint of metallic to it.
The Boulevard’s chunky trim is a great accent to the intricate texture and suits the style considering the bag’s overall size. It’s anything but understated, though, which might not be a fit for everyone’s taste. However, I think it works well for the design.
At only $108, this Jessica Simpson handbag is well within what’s considered the budget-friendly range. Look for it in a smaller shoulder bag style as well.
More Features of the Boulevard Tote
- Measures 17 x 10 x 6.5 inches
- Signature gingham-printed cotton lining
- Jessica Simpson logo on bottom panel