This Gustto Torsa Tote shares a similar design feature with the Bonba Clutch from the same brand. However, the practicality of the Torsa’s larger size and multiple carrying options makes it a better choice for an everyday handbag.
The feature that the two bags share is the softly twisted strips of leather that flank a center panel on the front. From afar, the detail kind of has a fish gill appearance to it but not in an unappealing way. It’s a look that you certainly don’t see on other brands. My only hesitation would be that I might accidentally snag one of those delicate twisted strips on something, especially with the feature being on a larger scale (no pun intended) on the Torsa.
It’s an impressive design, though, and even more unique when paired with the double circular handles that loop through the top. Of course, ring handles are very rarely practical since most of the time you can only carry them in their hands. Thank goodness for the optional shoulder strap that is included. I’m guessing that the majority of people would choose that carrying method for using the Torsa on a regular basis.
Luxurious leather, quality details, and suede lining don’t come without a price, however. This Gustto is priced at a whopping $790, which is not inconsistent with the label’s higher end styles. The rosy pink shade picture here is not traditionally a versatile color but definitely one that sets the tote apart even more.
More Features of the Torsa Tote
- Measures 18 x 12 x 3.5 inches
- Circular handles with 5 inch drop
- Sunken zipper closure