Guess lets its materials do all the talking with this Lelah handbag.
In many cases it’s admirable to allow the fabrics to speak for themselves, but Guess’ approach seems lazy here. The faux fur is nice enough with its plush finish, but Guess hasn’t really done anything with it. The boxy shape doesn’t seem quite right, and the turn-lock clasp juts jarringly out of the pile. The furry hangtag is the final insult, but at least that’s removable.
It’s a shame the Lelah’s exterior is so disappointing, because once we open her up we realize it’s actually pretty smart. It has two generously sized interior compartments, which are both well appointed with their own organizational pockets. Its top handle is just a shade too short to be truly useful, but Guess has also given us a much longer shoulder strap.
At $148 this handbag isn’t even as cheap as I expect a Guess accessory to be. Admittedly the Lelah’s less expensive than a genuine fur purse, but it’s also far less stylish.
More Features of This Guess Faux Fur Handbag
- Made of vinyl
- Magnetic snap closures
- Paisley style logo lining
- Measures 12.25 x 9.25 x 3 inches
- Also available in black