This bag is soft. Very soft. In fact, as is always the case with nappa leather, I feel I could happily curl up and go to sleep in this handbag’s folds! Random acts of sleeping aside, this is a luxury purse made from the very classiest materials.
Giuseppe Zanotti knows luxury handbags inside and out, and clearly understand that a flash of metallic does wonders to raise a simple bag design into the higher echelons. The shade of this large tote is a very unusual gold, and I love the deep rich tone and the way it leans not towards cheap new gold, but into the almost coppery colors that so characterize true old gold. The metallic nature of this purse also ensures that it will work seamlessly from day to night, and as a casual purse or a smart bag!
When you get inside the bag, it becomes apparent that Giuseppe Zanotti understands what a girl needs. Your $2250 will buy you a very sophisticated golden center clasp, as well as two huge extra compartments, perfect for folders and books. It is still expensive, but at least you aren’t just paying for a brand name! Even better, the dual handles are just the right length to work for hand carrying or shoulder carrying.
This is a hugely luxurious and no doubt very desirable purse, and will go down well in almost any fashion crowd!
More Features of this Nappa Leather Carac Oro Hold-all
- Nappa leather exterior
- Signature lining
- Single zipped pocket, zipped compartment and two further open compartments
- Slouchy folded shape