Fendi takes an uncharacteristically subtle approach to design with this Silvana shoulder bag.
I’m used to Fendi covering its handbags with logos and signature prints, a technique which is starting to feel a bit dated. This more minimalist approach is much more in vogue. The logos are still there but they’re subtle. A logo forms the buckle on the handle, and the Fendi brand is printed on the nameplate underneath the front flap.
The colorblocking is subtle too. The front and back panels are made of red leather, the side sections are made of tan cowhide, and the strap is black. Each part has quite a large block of color, and this makes the effect look timeless and less gimmicky.
There’s a lot to like here, yet the Silvana still rubs me the wrong way. The large stitches on the flap look messy, unlike Fendi’s usual work. And as they’re done in a contrasting tan color, there’s no ignoring them. It’s a small detail, but one which throws the design off for me.
And sadly, when we’re talking about this sort of money, one false move is all it takes to turn me off. For ₤1199 I want to fall in love, not just in like.
More Features of This Fendi Colorblocked Shoulder Bag
- A single 5.5 inch handle
- A detachable 18.9 inch shoulder strap
- Measures 5.5 x 8.3 x 10.2 inches