The Peekaboo is Fendi’s answer to the Hermes Birkin Bag. It’s classic, understated, and very expensive. With this new canvas version, Fendi is trying to make luxury available to a wider audience. The problem is that it ends up delivering a great bag at a still less-than-reasonable price, as usual.
While I feel indignant about the possibility of spending $1,980 on a canvas tote, I know that for some women this is an entirely reasonable price to pay for an everyday bag. For those women, the canvas Peekaboo is a great investment. The black canvas is durable, and it has a slightly more casual look than leather.
The contrast between the deep black material of the bag and the brown leather accents gives the tote a preppy, conservative look that is timelessly chic. The leather also gives the bag a richer look, and makes it seem altogether less tote bag-y and more handbag-y.
The Peekaboo has a modern, tailored look that is set off nicely by the simple turnlock closure and understated gold hardware. The base is made of leather and has logo-embossed feet that extend the rich appearance and reinforces the strength of the bag. Overall, the Peekaboo is a fabulous bag with major uptown appeal, and women who want a classic bag to take them well into the next generation are going to find themselves well served by it.
More Features Of The Fendi Peekaboo Canvas Tote
- 15″ x 13″ x 6″ size
- 5″ handle drop
- Brown leather and suede lining
- Detachable shoulder strap