DKNY has been a major disappointment to me this season. Its aesthetic has been bland and uninspired, and its prices haven’t been as affordable as I would like to see. Unfortunately, this croc effect leather bag is more of the same.
I really don’t like DKNY’s croc-embossing. It’s not realistic enough to look real, and not interesting enough to look unique. It just looks, well, fake. Despite this bag’s $195 price tag, everything about it screams “designer knockoff” and I feel like I could find a way better deal on a similar style at any bargain department store. The hot red color is eye-catching, but that’s about the only interesting thing going on here.
The shape is traditional and also, I’m afraid, bland. On the plus side, it’s nicely sized for easy carrying. I don’t think it’s a particularly flattering shape or material (too stiff) to be worn across the body, but at least the strap is adjustable, so you can wear it over your shoulder if you prefer. DKNY’s giant stylized clasps are just killing me. They are so cheesy looking that they take what is a pretty inoffensive style and make it look just terrifyingly cheap.
Overall, the price is good on this bag, and the color is cool, but that’s about all it’s got going for it.
More Features Of The DKNY Crocodile Effect Leather Bag
- Internal zipper pocket
- Magnetic fastening
- Fully lined in black satin