A pretty purse for practical people, this DKNY clutch offers a lot of p’s for the price.
OK, so this purse isn’t anything remarkable. It is just a bright and cheery accessory with a hint of designer charm. The shape is predictable and rectangular, whilst the short strap pretty much does what it says on the tin. Even the color scheme would be a little dull, were it not for the flashes of bright pink that break up the great expanse of white and black.
That pink, in fact, is the best quality of this DKNY purse. The DKNY logo is all over the main body, and the scheme makes it work appropriate. The pink, however, adds a dash of contrast that brightens the whole thing up. It is still suitable for the office, but in a slightly more fashion-focused way.
As for the design? Well, what else would you expect from a practically driven purse? It has a zip. It has a handle. It has synthetic fabric that is coated to deal with active lifestyles. In short, its a purse. Duh!
More Features of this DKNY Logo Clutch:
- Also available in “natural”
- Synthetic fabric exterior
- Single thin pink handle
- Zip top closure