Calvin Klein is getting quite good at the business of producing designer inspired handbags that are actually quite affordable. Take, for example, the C-Link clutch, which is only $51!
I am impressed that this clutch is made out of leather. After all, designers usually like to up their margins by keeping the leather for the expensive bags alone. However, this one is all genuine, and a lovely soft textured leather it is too. It even comes with a sleek (but easily stained, it must be said) white satin lining, and a practical shoulder strap in the same leather.
The design is classic, as you would expect from Calvin Klein, who is an expert in formal handbags. The C-Link decoration makes it look sleek and elegant, whilst the little studs are a nice touch. Definitively work appropriate, this is all about looking smart.
Cute and affordable, I am impressed with this bag!
More Features of this Calvin Klein Affordable Clutch
- Also available in green or black
- Genuine leather exterior
- Retro-modern graphic texture
- Small interior pockets